Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Introduction to Marketing or The Rich Get Richer

Introduction to Marketing

Author: John Frain

Introduction to Marketing offers all students new to the subject a deep insight into the development of marketing as a 'whole organization' activity. The book focuses on the link between marketing and corporate strategy, combining a detailed coverage of basic themes and issues with a 'how to do it' approach. Comprehensive and accessible in scope and style, the text incorporates numerous examples of 'marketing in action.' .

Books about: An Introduction to Programming Using Interactive Data Language or Adobe Creative Suite 2 Classroom in a Book

The Rich Get Richer: The Rise of Income Inequality in the U. S. and the Wor

Author: Dennis Duane Braun

This edition is a penetrating and urgent study of the increasing levels of income inequality in the United States and the world. The erosion of the middle class poses a threat to worldwide economic and political stability, as consumers and their children slowly disappear into growing rates of poverty, crime, and violence. Braun examines the economic plight of all people including those in developing nations where a tiny minority controls much of the wealth, and links this inequality to relationships between Third World nations and multinational corporations. This second edition includes new information on the working poor, Mexico and NAFTA, cross-country perceptions of inequality, mass media and political manipulation, and corporations and their overpaid CEOs.

Table of Contents:
1. Why Increasing Inequality is a Danger to Us All. 2. The Battleground of Ideology: Theories and Underlying Values Surrounding the Explanation of Income Inequality. 3. Economic Inequality Around the World. 4. Multinational Corporations: Income Inequality and Basic Needs. 5. Apple Pie and Economic Pie: The American Path to a Smaller Slice. 6. Sunset in the Sunbelt: How Geographic Variation Hides Income Inequality. 7. Dealing From the Top of the Deck: Some Alternatives and Strategies for Needed Change.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

C for Business Programming or Governments Globalization and International Business

C for Business Programming

Author: John C Molluzzo

One of the only books of its kind to focus soley on business applications, this comprehensive introduction to ANSI C programming conforms to the ANSI C standard and is geared for users with little programming experience. Sensibly o rganized, it explains concepts in a clear, understandable language supported by many fully worked-out examples; highlights important definitions, concepts, and rules; and illustrates key ideas in over 70 complete example programs. Contains nearly 600 exercises, experiments and programming problems of varying types and levels of difficulty. Each chapter: includes exercises on the syntax and semantics of C; and provides programming problems ranging from 10- to 20-line programs to full-scale projects that require the use of several user-defined functions—all emphasizing business applications of C. Covers basic data types, variables, arithmetic operators, precedence rules, and the printf() and scanf() functions in short, easily digestible units. Discusses the basic control structures of programming and their applications, covering such topics as indefinite iteration—with a complete analysis of the while statement—, and the if statement in its major application, processing payrolls. Introduces the idea of a function gradually, and includes detailed sections on the four applications that use functions, namely, calculating interest, approving loan applications, calculating commissions, and displaying a table of powers. Examines how to access array elements and process an array correctly. Explains the importance of pointers, using illustrative programs to show how to count characters in a string, display a string in reverse, and count words ina string. Studies typedef and structures, and exlains how to sort and search a table, including both sequential and binary searches. Offers a thorough treatment of file processing in C. For business managers, and those in computer science fields.

Table of Contents:
1Introduction to C1
3Real Numbers47
4More Arithmetic Operators69
5Indefinite Iteration82
6Definite Iteration113
7Program Control: Decision Making with if137
8Complex Decisions158
10Modular Design Using Functions222
12Pointers and Strings300
13Pointers, Arrays, and Functions332
14User-Defined Data Types and Structures386
15File Processing in C447
App. A Computers, Data, and Program Development503
App. B Program Control519
App. C The Functions printf() and scanf()536
App. D C Keywords and Library Functions538

Book review: Verhandlungsanalyse: Die Wissenschaft und Kunst der Zusammenarbeitenden Beschlussfassung

Governments, Globalization, and International Business

Author: John H Dunning

It is a cliche to say that we live in a globalized world in which investment flows, communications, and the operations of multinationals from all parts of the world have changed the character of the international business environment. But the easy concept of globalization poses as many questions as it answers. In this book, a prestigious group of international scholars explores in detail the consequences of globalization--defined as "the deepening structural interdependence of the world economy."

C for Business Programming or Governments Globalization and International Business

C for Business Programming

Author: John C Molluzzo

One of the only books of its kind to focus soley on business applications, this comprehensive introduction to ANSI C programming conforms to the ANSI C standard and is geared for users with little programming experience. Sensibly o rganized, it explains concepts in a clear, understandable language supported by many fully worked-out examples; highlights important definitions, concepts, and rules; and illustrates key ideas in over 70 complete example programs. Contains nearly 600 exercises, experiments and programming problems of varying types and levels of difficulty. Each chapter: includes exercises on the syntax and semantics of C; and provides programming problems ranging from 10- to 20-line programs to full-scale projects that require the use of several user-defined functions—all emphasizing business applications of C. Covers basic data types, variables, arithmetic operators, precedence rules, and the printf() and scanf() functions in short, easily digestible units. Discusses the basic control structures of programming and their applications, covering such topics as indefinite iteration—with a complete analysis of the while statement—, and the if statement in its major application, processing payrolls. Introduces the idea of a function gradually, and includes detailed sections on the four applications that use functions, namely, calculating interest, approving loan applications, calculating commissions, and displaying a table of powers. Examines how to access array elements and process an array correctly. Explains the importance of pointers, using illustrative programs to show how to count characters in a string, display a string in reverse, and count words ina string. Studies typedef and structures, and exlains how to sort and search a table, including both sequential and binary searches. Offers a thorough treatment of file processing in C. For business managers, and those in computer science fields.

Table of Contents:
1Introduction to C1
3Real Numbers47
4More Arithmetic Operators69
5Indefinite Iteration82
6Definite Iteration113
7Program Control: Decision Making with if137
8Complex Decisions158
10Modular Design Using Functions222
12Pointers and Strings300
13Pointers, Arrays, and Functions332
14User-Defined Data Types and Structures386
15File Processing in C447
App. A Computers, Data, and Program Development503
App. B Program Control519
App. C The Functions printf() and scanf()536
App. D C Keywords and Library Functions538

Book review: Verhandlungsanalyse: Die Wissenschaft und Kunst der Zusammenarbeitenden Beschlussfassung

Governments, Globalization, and International Business

Author: John H Dunning

It is a cliche to say that we live in a globalized world in which investment flows, communications, and the operations of multinationals from all parts of the world have changed the character of the international business environment. But the easy concept of globalization poses as many questions as it answers. In this book, a prestigious group of international scholars explores in detail the consequences of globalization--defined as "the deepening structural interdependence of the world economy."

Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Industrial Revolution or Under 40 Financial Planning Guide

The Industrial Revolution: A History in Documents

Author: Laura Levine Frader

The Industrial Revolution: A History in Documents provides first-hand accounts of the economic, social, and personal changes that came about during this pivotal period in history. The industrial revolution touched all corners of the world: the textile factories in New England, mining and metalworking in Germany, even reaching the Japanese silk industry. Laura L. Frader brings together key primary sources to illustrate the far-reaching effects - both positive and negative - of these enormous changes.

School Library Journal

Gr 10 Up-Frader presents the development of the Industrial Revolution through a complex mixture of documents and narrative. After a general introduction on how to read documents for context as well as content, she begins each chapter with an overview of the topic, followed by a combination of her own words in bold or as captions and primary documents. The author introduces and places in context letters, diaries, government reports, laws, songs and poems, association statements, newspaper articles, posters, paintings, illustrations, and photographs of artifacts. The widely varied and fascinating black-and-white illustrations have good resolution and are an integral part of the narrative. The author emphasizes the socially complex results of the Industrial Revolution, including the great hardships the new labor force experienced. She concludes with an afterword in which she balances the negative with the positive social changes that have resulted from the new technologies that, through improved means of production, transportation, and communication, have brought about "rising living standards, and the expansion of leisure-not only for the middle class, but for workers as well-." Frader's style is clear and easily readable; however, the complexity and variety of the sources that constitute the total narrative make this a challenging though intriguing text for high school students. The time line at the end provides useful guideposts of significant events. A list of further reading arranged by topic completes the work.-Judith V. Lechner, Auburn University, AL Copyright 2006 Reed Business Information.

Book review: Introductory Mathematical Economics or Sales Management

Under 40 Financial Planning Guide

Author: Cornelius P McCarthy

Smart people know it's never too early to start planning financially for the future. Identifying common problems, mistakes, and scams faced by people under 40, this guide offers practical help to help young people pay off debts, build credit, start savings, and plan for retirement.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Transformation of the Welfare State or Monetary Unions and Hard Pegs

Transformation of the Welfare State: The Silent Surrender of Public Responsibility

Author: Neil Gilbert

How much has really changed in the world of welfare? A great deal, according to Neil Gilbert, one of our most deeply engaged and thoughtful analysts of social welfare policy. In this panoramic inquiry, Gilbert spans the globe to assess, in provocative yet dispassionate fashion, what welfare looks like in a free market world. From Sweden to the U.S., Gilbert finds a fundamental transformation in the welfare state--a turn away from broad-based entitlements and automatic benefits to a new, "enabling" approach defined by policies designed to promote privatization and labor force participation. He provides tangible evidence of how these new systems promote work and responsibility over protection and how they thicken the glue of civil society by diluting the pervasive role of government.

Interesting book: Warum Leute Dinge Kaufen, Brauchen Sie nicht: Das Verstehen und Voraussagen des Verbraucherverhaltens

Monetary Unions and Hard Pegs: Effects on Trade, Financial Development, and Stability

Author: George M von Furstenberg

This book analyzes formal approaches to overcoming monetary divisions within countries and within integrating regions, focusing on the consequences of monetary union for trade among union members and their financial development and stability. The authors discuss hard pegs such as those attempted by the currency board of Argentina, outright dollarization, such as in Ecuador, and multilateral monetary union, as in Europe, the least reversible form of monetary union and the most powerful elixir of financial integration and trade.

Table of Contents:
List of figures
List of tables
Notes on contributors
1Editorial introduction to the volume and detailed introductions to each of its four parts1
Pt. ICurrent and past concepts of monetary union
2Euroization, dollarization, and the international monetary system27
3Unilateral and multilateral currency unions : thoughts from an EMU perspective41
4International money and common currencies in historical perspective51
Pt. IITrade and price effects of monetary union
5Geography, trade, and currency union69
6Comparing apples and oranges : the effect of multilateral currency unions on trade89
7The effects of common currencies on international trade : a meta-analysis101
8Common currencies and market integration across cities : how strong is the link?113
Pt. IIIMonetary integration in Latin America
9Trade agreements, exchange rate disagreements135
10Sudden stops, the real exchange rate, and fiscal sustainability : Argentina's lessons151
11Living and dying with hard pegs : the rise and fall of Argentina's currency board183
12The anatomy of a multiple crisis : why was Argentina special and what can we learn from it?231
Pt. IVCommon monies, political interests, and infrastructure
13America's interest in dollarization289
14Dollarization and euroization in transition countries : currency substitution, asset substitution, network externalities, and irreversibility303
15Electronic money and the optimal size of monetary unions321
16Currency substitution in anticipation of EU accession337
17Allocating lending of last resort and supervision in the Euro area347
Name index361
Subject index

Friday, February 13, 2009

The Rise of Asia or Transition and Economics

The Rise of Asia: Economics, Society, and Politics in Contemporary Asia

Author: Frank B Tipton

For many years, Japan was seen as the peculiar exception in Asia: a highly dynamic economy isolated in an otherwise moribund continent. With the rise of the Southeast Asian and Chinese economies, however, it has now become clear that Asia as a whole is experiencing an extraordinary revolution which will result, within a very few years, in living standards for some countries being on a par with those in the West. The results of this transformation can only be guessed at, but The Rise of Asia adds a far greater sophistication to our understanding of how this process came about, treating the key areas of Asian life (economics, society and politics) as an integrated whole and avoiding the trap of most commentators, who see the phenomenon as an exclusively postwar economic issue. Balancing the uniquely Asian aspects with global developmental factors, Dr. Tipton creates a convincing picture of how this amazing change has occurred.

Table of Contents:
List of Tables
Preface and Acknowledgements
1Prologue: East and Southeast Asia and the Changing Balance of World Economic Forces
2The Age of Colonialism and Imperialism: From an External to an Internal Dynamic
3The Role of Markets: Peasant Families, Commercial Agriculture and Protoindustrialization
4Asian Elites in the Economy and in Politics
5The First Asian Tiger: The Transformation of Japan
6Asian Economies, the International Economy and Development in the Interwar Era
7Japanese Imperialism and the Pacific War
8Asian Nationalism
9Economics, Politics and Asian Development in the Postwar World
10How Much Is There to Share? Population, Resources and Productivity
11The Dark Side: Women in Asian Development
12The Developmental State in Asia: Japan and the Four Tigers
13New Tigers, New Dragons, New Giants? The State and Development in China and Southeast Asia
Epilogue: Can Growth Continue?

Books about: Winetasters Secrets or The Food That Went with the Whine

Transition and Economics: Politics, Markets, and Firms

Author: Gerard Roland

The transition from socialism to capitalism in former socialist economies is one of the main economic events of the twentieth century. Not only does it affect the lives of approximately 1.65 billion people, but it is contributing to a shift in emphasis in economics from standard price and monetary theory to contracting and its institutional environment. Economic research in transition shows not only that institutions matter but also how their evolution toward higher efficiency depends on initial conditions and on sustained political support.

Unlike early policy literature on transition economics, which focused on the so-called Washington consensus, this book provides an overview of current research, analyzing issues raised by transition for which economic theorists and policy makers had no ready answers. It shows how research on transition contributes to our understanding of capitalism as an economic system and of the dynamics of large-scale institutional change.

The book is divided into three parts. The first part looks at how large-scale reforms are decided dynamically through the political process. The second part looks at the general equilibrium and macroeconomic effects of liberalization in economies without preexisting markets. The third part looks at the economic behavior of firms in the transition from state to private ownership and compares the effects of privatization, restructuring, and financial reform. Although focused on transition economics, the discussions are relevant to topics in political economics, development, public economics, corporate finance, and micro- and macroeconomics.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Human Resource Management in Local Government or The Earthscan Reader in Business and Sustainable Development

Human Resource Management in Local Government: Concepts and Applications for HRM Students and Practitioners

Author: James Ansel Buford

This book represents a unique approach to human resource management that addresses two important needs. First, the book answers the need for a practical guide for local government HR management. The authors detail applications and techniques required in this working environment. Second, the book answers the need for an instructional text that accurately presents the local government HR manager's role and everyday activities.


A text covering human resource topics and activities that are most important to local governments, offering analysis and discussion of employment law and its applications to human resource activities. Sections cover the nature of human resource management in a local government setting, organizational considerations, staffing, developing employees and measuring work contributions, compensating employees, enhancing employee relations and providing security, and future challenges. For students in management, human resource management, and public administration courses at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Buford is affiliated with Auburn University. Linder is affiliated with Texas A&M University. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

Table of Contents:
Part 1Understanding Human Resource Management1
Chapter 1An Introduction to Human Resource Management3
Organizational Resources and Productivity4
Contemporary HR Management Challenges5
HR Management Activities8
Modern Human Resource Management in Local Government11
Organizing the Human Resource Unit15
HR Management Accountabilities19
Chapter 2Historical Development of the Human Resource Function26
The Beginnings27
The Emergence of Personnel Management30
Coming of Age33
Increasing Influence of the Legal Environment34
Changing Emphasis of Civil Service Reform35
Professionalization of Personnel Management37
The Modern Era38
Chapter 3The Legal Environment of Human Resource Management43
Federal Regulation of Employment Discrimination45
Government Regulation of the Workplace and the Employment Relationship58
Constitutional Issues of Local Government Employment60
State Employment Laws65
Part 2Organizational Considerations71
Chapter 4Behavioral Foundations of Human Resource Management73
Motivation: Basic Considerations74
Content Approaches to Motivation75
Process Approaches to Motivation77
Job Satisfaction82
Management Philosophy and Leadership84
Chapter 5Planning and Policy Development90
Planning Approaches91
Need for Planning in Local Government95
Standing Plans for Human Resources96
Human Resource Planning100
Part 3Staffing111
Chapter 6Organizing and Designing Jobs113
The Organization of Jobs and Work114
Fundamentals of Job Design115
Job Design Considerations and Strategies118
Choosing a Job Design Strategy126
Chapter 7Analyzing Jobs and Writing Job Descriptions129
The Need for Job Analysis130
Information Essential to Job Analysis133
Methods of Analyzing Jobs140
Developing Job Descriptions143
Practical Considerations in Job Analysis158
Chapter 8Preparation for Staffing and Recruiting161
Legal Aspects of Recruiting and Selection162
Reliability and Validity of Selection Procedures169
Chapter 9Selecting Employees185
Selection Strategies186
Nature of Preemployment Inquiries189
Selection Procedures: General Methods191
Job-Specific Selection Procedures197
Certification and Appointment208
Documentation and Record Keeping209
Part 4Developing Employees and Measuring Work Contributions213
Chapter 10Orientation, Training, and Development215
Development of Human Resources234
Chapter 11Performance Appraisal240
Purposes of Performance Appraisal242
Legal Aspects of Performance Appraisal244
Issues in Performance Measurement246
Performance Appraisal Formats and Methods254
Implementing the Performance Appraisal System268
Part 5Compensating Employees277
Chapter 12Compensation: Strategies and Structure279
Forms of Compensation280
Strategic Compensation281
Determining the Internal Worth of Jobs285
Assessing the External Market291
Developing the Pay Structure295
Alternatives to Traditional Pay Structures299
Chapter 13Compensation: Pay and Benefits306
Legal Aspects of Compensation307
The Role of Labor Unions in Compensation316
Determining Pay for Employees317
Determining Employee Benefits and Services325
Management of the Compensation Program332
Part 6Enhancing Employee Relations and Providing Security337
Chapter 14Identifying and Resolving Workplace Problems339
Dysfunctional Signs and Symptoms340
Sources of Workplace Problems345
Resolving Workplace Problems353
Chapter 15Labor Relations368
Evolution of Labor-Management Relations369
Issues of Labor Relations in Local Government374
The Legal Framework for Labor Relations375
Unionization and Collective Bargaining378
Trends in Labor Relations385
Chapter 16Safety, Health, and Security391
Laws and Regulations393
Organizational Responsibility for Safety and Health395
Designing Occupational Health and Safety Programs396
Safety Programs398
Occupational Health Programs402
Workplace Security Programs407
Part 7Moving Toward the Future413
Chapter 17Looking Ahead in Human Resource Management415
Organizational Issues: HR Management Status and Resources416
Management Issues: HR Activities and Programs418
Staffing Issues: Credibility of the HR Staff420
Future Directions in HR Management423
Appendix AQuestions for Critical Thinking429
Appendix BContent Outline of the HR Body of Knowledge435
Appendix CSelected Competencies in the IPMA HR Competency Model441
Appendix DOrganizations and Government Agencies in HR Management445
Appendix EPublications in HR Management449
Appendix FAnnual Report Form EEO-4451
Appendix GJob Description for HR Director in Small Municipality457
URL Index469
Name Index473
Subject Index477

Interesting textbook: Microsoft Office 2000 Professional Certified Edition or The Therapeutic Relationship in Complementary Health Care

The Earthscan Reader in Business and Sustainable Development

Author: Richard Welford

The Earthscan Reader in Business and Sustainable Development builds on the success of The Earthscan Reader in Business and the Environment. This exciting new volume brings together a selection of recent seminal writings on the topic by the leading thinkers in the field.
Covering both the environmental and social aspects of sustainable development, the Reader provides various perspectives on what business is (and is not) doing, could do and should do to contribute to society's transition to a sustainable future.
Following an opening general section on the theme of business and development, the Reader continues with sections on:
.'the Porter debate' regarding the prevalence of win-win business opportunities;
.the 'Greenwash' debate, on social accounting; and
.TNCs and trade

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Business the State and Economic Policy or Intermediate Accounting Eleventh Edition Volume 2 Chapters 14 26

Business, the State and Economic Policy: The Case of Italy

Author: G Grant Amyot

Italy has one of the world's most complex and fascinating political systems.The controversial rise of Silvio Berlusconi and the state of contemprary Italy can be better understood with an examination of the recent past of this intriguing country.

G. Grant Amyot brings his critical eye upon the Italian business world, setting it in the context of Italy's place in hte international economy. He then traces the close, but chequered, relationship between capital, the state, and the political parties up to the election of one of the major business magnates, Silvio Berlusconi, as Prime Minister. The book compares Italy with the US, germany, and Japan while exploring the influence of economic realities, organized interests, and political institutions on the formation of policy in Italy.

This interesting, readable and important book gives the reader an insight into the sources and workings of power in a major advanced industrial state. It will be appreciated by students and researchers withan interest in European politics, political theory, and political economy. It will also be a good tool for policy-makers and professionals with an interest in Italian business, economics and politics.

Look this: Klare Führung

Intermediate Accounting, Eleventh Edition, Volume 2, Chapters 14-26  

Author: Donald E Kieso

This bestseller has powered the careers of countless professionals. The new edition builds on the book's reputation for comprehensiveness, accuracy, and currency, incorporating all the recent changes to the accounting literature.


The new, enhanced edition of a standard text includes substantial new content and new pedagogical features. Coverage begins with a chapter on financial accounting and accounting standards and continues through 24 chapters covering such topics as income statement and related information; balance sheet and statement of cash flows; valuation of inventories; depreciations, impairments, and depletion; intangible assets; long-term liabilities; income taxes; and pensions and postretirement benefits; among other topics. Annotation c. by Book News, Inc., Portland, Or.

Table of Contents:
Chapter 15. Stockholders' Equity.

Chapter 16. Dilutive Securities and Earnings per Share.

Chapter 17. Investments.

Chapter 18. Revenue Recognition.

Chapter 19. Accounting for Income Taxes.

Chapter 20. Accounting for Pensions and Postretirement Benefits.

Chapter 21. Accounting for Leases.

Chapter 22. Accounting Changes and Error Analysis.

Chapter 23. Statement of Cash Flows.

Chapter 24. Full Disclosure in Financial Reporting.

Time Value of Money Tables.

Logo Credits.


Official Accounting Pronouncements.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Between Two Cultures or Texas Real Estate Contracts

Between Two Cultures: An Introduction to Economic History

Author: Carlo M Cipolla

In this wise and witty work, a world-renowned economic historian takes us behind the scenes to observe a small band of scholars reconstructing the past with the tools of economic analysis and the narrative power of the traditional historian.

Library Journal

This is an engaging book on the art of doing economic history. In the first half, Cipolla, a well-known economic historian, presents an insightful discussion of the techniques of historical analysis. He devotes the second half to a survey of actual primary sources used to describe various periods in European economic history. Addressing the current split in this scholarly discipline between logical-mathematic analysis and a humanistic approach, Cipolla is clearly dubious of an aggressive use of economic models and statistics. His sophisticated philosophical and practical approach will be quite helpful for both producers and consumers of work in economic history. Recommended for academic collections.-- Richard C. Schiming, Mankato State Univ. , Minn.

Books about: Pasta Perfection with DVD or Salads and Side Dishes from around the World

Texas Real Estate Contracts

Author: Ralph Tamper

Whether you're a seasoned real estate professional or a new licensee, Texas Real Estate Contracts will help you: complete the contracts you use every day, learn the basics of contract law, and accurately estimate the "bottom line" of a real estate transaction for the seller and buyer.

Table of Contents:
About the Author
Pt. 1An Agreement or a Contract?1
Pt. 2The Texas Real Estate Act and the Rules of the Texas Real Estate Commission9
Pt. 3Contract and Addenda Provisions19
Pt. 4Additional TREC Promulgated Contract Forms63
Pt. 5Practice Makes Perfect87
Pt. 6Estimating Seller Net and Buyer Move-in205
App. AAdditional Texas Real Estate Commission Promulgated Forms219
App. B Answer Key275

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Principles of Accounting or Media Organisations in Society

Principles of Accounting

Author: Belverd E Needles

Includes sections on Reviewing the Chapter, Testing Your Knowledge, and Applying Your Knowledge.

New interesting textbook: Texas Real Estate Contracts or Can We Talk

Media Organisations in Society

Author: James Curran

This widescreen approach to the study of media organizations in society combines a survey of current research with original case studies, providing an in-depth understanding of media industries and the processes of cultural production.

Table of Contents:
Pt. IOverview
1Media organisations in society: central issues19
Pt. IIMedia as Industry
2Spectacle, synergy and megamusicals: the global-industrialisation of the live-entertainment economy69
3The political economy of the Internet84
4Alternative media, alternative texts? Rethinking democratisation in the cultural industries107
5Broadcasting deregulation in Turkey: uniformity within diversity126
Pt. IIIMedia as Battlefield
6The killing of Brazilian street children and the rise of the international public sphere151
7Public-relations campaigning and news production: the case of 'new unionism' in Britain173
8Mainstreaming the margins: the transformation of Marxism Today193
Pt. IVMedia as Cultural Product
9Literary editors, social networks and cultural tradition215
10Music divisions: the recording industry and the social mediation of cultural production240
11Media, cultural identity and the state: the case of Hong Kong255
12Media organisations and non-media people273

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Corporate Advocacy or Customer Service

Corporate Advocacy: Rhetoric in the Information Age

Author: Judith D D Hoover

Internal and external advocacy is a complex communication process, with many interwoven purposes, methods, and expected (or unexpected) outcomes. Judith Hoover and her contributors show what the advocacy processes are, using a fascinating set of case histories, and then analyze and evaluate them by means of rhetorical, cultural, critical, and argumentation theories. In doing so they blend organizational communication and classical rhetorical theory, and thus extend the concept of corporate advocacy into new areas of study. An important resource for teachers and students of communication theory and practice, and an unusual insight for corporate communication specialists.


Comprises 16 essays analyzing the processes and products of corporate America with an emphasis on the inocuous-seeming yet persuasive language and rhetoric used in the corporate world. Topics include the notion of the corporate hero in the American timber industry; Lee Iacocca as corporate rhetor; advocacy in the interest of consumers; the National Transportation Safety Board and the airline industry; and union advocacy. Annotation c. by Book News, Inc., Portland, Or.

Table of Contents:
1Corporate Advocacy: A Powerful Persuasive Strategy3
2The Barbecue on the Mount: The Robber Barons' Gospel of Self-Reliance19
3Tycoons, Lumberjacks, and the Notion of "Corporate Hero" in the American Timber Industry32
4The Evolution of the Shareholder's Voice in American Capitalism48
5The Rhetoric of the Money Changers: Corporate America Responds to the Great Depression61
6Straight Talk: Lee Iacocca as Corporate Rhetor73
7Reconstructing Corporate Culture: Corporate Advocacy in Fred Meyer's Newsletter, The Q-municator91
8Expatriate/Repatriate Training: Corporate Advocacy of Interculturalism105
9Beyond Argumentative Corporate Advocacy: Natural Advocacy120
10Wall Street as Main Street: A Narrative Approach to Organizational Crisis131
11Consumerism: Advocacy in the Interest of Consumers148
12Investigating Commissions as External Advocates: The National Transportation Safety Board and the Airline Industry170
13Union Advocacy: Power, Organizing, and Change187
14Poetics and Petrochemicals: Organizational Performances of the Mississippi River204
15"Not Worth the Money I Paid for It": Dialogue, Diversity, and the Rhetoric of Organizational Advocacy220
16Argumentation and Corporate Advocacy: A Synthesis237
About the Editor and Contributors261

Look this: Trying to Give Ease or Into the Shadows

Customer Service: Skills and Concepts for Success

Author: Robert W Lucas

Customer Service Skills & Concepts for Success is the most comprehensive book on the topic available to educators, corporate trainers and individual readers. The book uses a wide variety of text, margin features, and activities to gain and hold your interest while providing additional insights into the concepts and skills related to customer service. It also has a complete Instructor's edition, video, audiocassette and CD-ROM residual support materials (available to schools and organizations that adopt the book as a text).

The text begins with a macro view of what customer service involves, then focuses on specific skills and related topics, and finally provides insights into future customer service trends and issues.

The text includes the following features:

  • 15 chapters divided into five sections, plus Appendices.

The sections focus on different aspects of customer service:
(1) The Profession
(2) Skills for Success
(3) Self-Help Skills,
(4) Enhancing Customer Relationships
(5) Customer Service for the Twenty-first Century.

Along with valuable ideas, guidance, and perspectives you will also encounter real world cases from experts in today's business world and activities to challenge your thinking on the issues presented.

Each chapter starts with behavioral-based Learning Objectives to direct reader focus and to help measure end of chapter success in grasping the concepts presented. Readers will also find a Quote from a famous person to prompt thinking related to the chapter topic and the text focus.

As the reader explores the chapter material they will find many helpful tools to enhance the learning experience and assist in transferring newly acquired knowledge to the workplace.

These include:

An opportunity to do a short Self-Assessment of current skills and knowledge levels before the reader even gets to the first page. This is done through a series of brief questions related to providing customer service that the reader can score individually. If responses are incorrect, the reader can use the areas missed to focus in on specific chapters as you read the book. For those areas where answers are correct, the reader can use chapters that discuss the topics as reinforcement.

Pretests and Post-tests called Quick Check Preview and Quick Check are provided to allow the reader to check topic knowledge going into a chapter, then again at the end of it.

From the Frontline sections placed at the end of many of the chapters provide insights into customer service in a variety of businesses, industries and organizations. Told in the words of experts in the fields, these candid snapshots explore what it is like to provide service in an ever-changing world.

Worksheets are provided throughout the chapters to provide an opportunity to immediately act on what has been learned. In some cases readers will be creating samples based on information provided in the chapter, while in others they will be developing an action plan or list of valuable information for future use on the job.

Work It Out activities throughout the chapters challenge reader knowledge and provide an opportunity for individual and/or small group work on a specific topic or issue.

At the end of each chapter is a Summary and Review that brings together the key concepts and issues.

Face to Face exercises are customer service scenarios in which the reader assumes the role of a specified employee and use information provided to determine how he or she would handle a customer service issue.

Search It Out activities at the end of skill-building chapters give you an opportunity to expand your knowledge of customer service and use your research skills on the Internet. In each chapter, you are asked to explore the Internet to obtain a variety of customer service facts, figures, and related information that you will use in group activities, presentations or discussions. You may also want to visit the Website especially designed by Glencoe/McGraw-Hill for Customer Service Skills & Concepts for Success.

In some of the skill-building chapters, readers will also have an opportunity to participate in Collaborative Learning activities where they and one or more of their peers can actually work through a customer service issue with you to practice your skills and find answers to various questions.

Ponder This questions are included at the end of each chapter to stimulate thinking on how certain situations might be handled using information gained in the chapter. Ponder This can also be used as a discussion vehicle with others to share ideas.

At the end of the book is a handy Appendices Section that contains a Sample Action Plan and a Reader Satisfaction Survey that gives readers a chance to provide the author with feedback on the perceived value of this book. In addition to experiencing an actual customer survey to express what you liked and did not like, readers will also receive a gift for returning the form.

In the rear of the book, are a Bibliography of additional reference materials, a Glossary of Terms, and an Index.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Cambridge Economic History of Latin America or Principles of Electronic Media

Cambridge Economic History of Latin America: Volume 2, the Long Twentieth Century

Author: Victor Bulmer Thomas

Volume Two treats the "long twentieth century" from the onset of modern economic growth to the present. After analyzing the principal dimensions of Latin America's first era of sustained economic growth up to 1930, it explores the era of inward-looking development from the 1930s to the collapse of import-substituting industrialization and the return to strategies of globalization in the 1980s. Finally, it looks at the long term trends in capital flows, agriculture and the environment.

Table of Contents:

Part I. Cycles of Globalization:

1. Globalization and inequality Lius Bertola and Jeffrey Williamson;
2. Foreign capital flows Alan M. Taylor;
3. The external context Marcelo de Paiva Abreu;
4. Globalization and the new economic model Victor Bulmer-Thomas;

Part II. Onset of Modernization:
5. The institutional framework Alan Dye;
6. Fiscal and monetary regimes Roberto Cortés Conde;
7. Export-led industrialization Richard Salvucci;
8. The development of infrastructure William Summerhill;

Part III. Factor Endowments:
9. Economic growth and environmental change Otta Solbrig;
10. Labor and immigration Blanca Sanchez;
11. Education and social progress Fernando Reimers;

Part IV. Sectoral Development and Equity:
12. Structure, performance, and policy in agriculture Otto Solbrig;
13. The political economy of industrialization Stephen Haber;
14. Poverty and inequality Miguel Szekely and Andres Montes.

Look this: Yoga and Psychology or Yoga for Living

Principles of Electronic Media

Author: James R Upshaw

The professional broadcasting experience of this talented author team offers students considering careers in television, radio, or the Web a firm grounding in the field. Students will gain a basic understanding of the history and technical foundations of electronic media as well as the daily business realities and likely future challenges facing today’s media professionals. Throughout the main text and in the stand-out “ProTalk” boxes, students meet industry leaders and visionaries who chart the future of electronic media. The authors’ accessible and engaging writing style fosters understanding and encourages critical thinking on the complex issues that surround the way our culture interacts with the broadcasting media.

New to this Second Edition

  • NEW 4-color design! The first four-color book in this market gives this high-tech and very vibrant industry the visual appeal it deserves in a textbook.
  • The new “Sidebar” feature unifies boxed material that covers a broad range of valuable material, from industry statistics and organizational charts, to media conglomerates and technological advances.
  • Updated “ProTalk” boxes introduce readers to emerging and established industry leaders in radio, television and Web broadcasting
  • Enhanced coverage of media professionals of diverse backgrounds, such as Native American, African American and Asian American, provide students with an accurate reflection of the broadcasting industry today.
  • New and timely coverage of current events throughout every chapter, including discussions of reporting in Iraq, the Democratic primary race, the 2004presidential elections, highly publicized court cases, and corporate scandals, give students valuable insights into the realities of working in the industry.
  • Entertainment coverage—from reality TV to specialized radio talk shows—has been updated throughout every chapter, bringing electronic media into the cultural world of students and energizing class discussions
  • Part III: Electronic Media: A Broader View has been restructured to first introduce students to legal and ethical frameworks of the field, and then to the theories and research they will apply on the job. From there students are poised to understand and explore the highly regulated world of public broadcasting and, ultimately, electronic media’s role and effects in the world.
Praise for Principles of Electronic Media
“The authors do more than survey the field of electronic media; they encourage students to envision and determine their potential roles within today’s media landscape.”
Antone J. Silvia, University of Rhode Island

“…a textbook that could become a staple of students studying electronic media.”
Kenneth A Fischer, Southern Illinois University

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Making It in Public Relations or Investments Vol II

Making It in Public Relations: An Insider's Guide to Career Opportunities

Author: Leonard Mogel

Making It in Public Relations is a comprehensive, realistic guide to everything one needs to know when pursuing a successful career in public relations. It is an introduction to public relations, written for students who want or need a definition of the profession to understand what they are moving into as a career. A thorough overview of the various roles and responsibilities involved in PR work, the different types of PR functions and activities, and its application in a variety of settings and scenarios are provided. In fulfilling the book's editorial role, author Leonard Mogel profiles the 10 largest public relations firms, life on the fast track at a small PR firm, how corporate communications is carried on at a large financial institution, and public relations for diverse organizations. It will be of interest to those studying public relations at the university level; recent mass communication, journalism, and public relations graduates; interns in public relations firms; and employees in other fields contemplating a move to this profession.

Table of Contents:
1A Very Short History of Public Relations1
2Public Relations: What It Is, What It Does4
3The Components of Public Relations14
4The Public Relations Counsel Firm: Profiles of the 10 Largest24
5Life on the Fast Track at a Small Public Relations Firm45
6An Inside Look at Corporate Affairs at the Bank of America49
7Public Relations for Diverse Organizations60
8Getting the Ink: Media Practice, Media Placement, and Media Relations68
9Internal and Employee Communications, Employee Relations, and Employee Publications100
10Speechwriting, Speechmaking, and Executive Presentations113
11Public Affairs, Lobbying, and Issues Management123
12Public Interest, Public Service138
13Strategic and Integrated Public Relations and Brand Marketing148
14Financial Public Relations and Investor Relations163
15Entertainment and Personal Public Relations179
16Healthcare Marketing and Communications189
17Crisis Communications and Management204
18New Media High-Tech Public Relations229
19Colleges, Extension Programs, and Summer Institutes238
20The Alphabet Organizations of Public Relations243
21Important Publications, Web Sites, and News Services254
22The Job Search270
23The Future Face of Public Relations317
Recommended Reading341
Author Index345

Read also American Shamans or The Seattle Sutton Solution

Investments - Vol. II: Securities Prices and Performance

Author: Edwin J J Elton

This collection of articles in investment and portfolio management spans the thirty-five-year collaborative effort of two key figures in finance. Each of the nine sections begins with an overview that introduces the main contributions of the pieces and traces the development of the field. Each volume contains a foreword by Nobel laureate Harry Markowitz.

Volume I presents the authors' groundbreaking work on estimating the inputs to portfolio optimization, including the analysis of alternative structures such as single and multi-index models in forecasting correlations; portfolio maximization under alternative specifications for return structures; the impact of CAPM and APT in the investment process; and taxes and portfolio composition.

Volume II covers the authors' work on analysts' expectations; performance evaluation of managed portfolios, including commodity, stock, and bond portfolios; survivorship bias and performance persistence; debt markets; and immunization and efficiency.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Earnings Measurement Disclosur or Contemporary Business Math for Colleges

Earnings Measurement Disclosur

Author: D Eric Hirst

Hirst and Hopkins guide analysts to a comprehension of how income statements and other disclosures can be used to assess the underlying quality and persistence of companies' economic conditions.

Table of Contents:
Ch. 1Evidence on the Relevance of Earnings to Valuation1
Ch. 2The Reporting of Earnings and Equity Valuation13
Ch. 3How Buy-Side Equity Analysts Use Earnings in Valuation45
Ch. 4Conclusion61
Selected AIMR Publications67

New interesting textbook: Making of a Chef or Summertime Treats

Contemporary Business Math for Colleges

Author: Southam Dietz

This proven 13th Edition text, presents an arithmetic-based, basic approach to business math. It emphasizes practical skill-building to prepare students for future careers in business through step-by-step development of concepts, numerous practice exercises throughout, and a focus on real-world application of techniques. The text advances from most basic to more complex business math topics. A brief version is also available.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Survival Strategies for Nurses in Managed Care or Training and Development in Organizations

Survival Strategies for Nurses in Managed Care

Author: Toni G Cesta

This book helps nurse managers define their role in the managed care system, learn strategies in financial management and focus on preventative care, while working on re-engineering patient care delivery systems, utilization, and outcomes management. It addresses topics from defining managed care andexplaining how a company works, to addressing ethical and legal issues that arise in the managed care system.

Doody Review Services

Reviewer: Tina M Snapp, BSN (University of Colorado Hospital)
Description: This book provides an excellent overview of the challenges facing nurses in the managed care environment. Both hospital based and managed care nurses are represented.
Purpose: The purpose is to illustate how nursing is influenced by managed care and the challenges that have developed over time. The authors meet their objectives by providing diverse perspectives of the roles of nursing in managed care.
Audience: The book is written for nurses at all levels. Information can be used by nursing students, bedside nurses, and seasoned managed care nurses. The editor is very accomplished in the field, with many publications.
Features: A wide range of topics is covered, including aspects of insurance coverage, payment methodologies, medical management, utilization management, disease management, and quality management in managed care. Data and outcomes management is also reviewed as is the importance of measurement of an effective program. It is unique to see a representation of the challenges faced by facility and insurance-based nurses.
Assessment: This book covers topics that are essential for nurses to understand in order to function in the current managed care environment. It is written so that a novice can easily understand the concepts of managed care and the evolution that has occured over the years. This book also provides some ideas on innovative strategies that facilities have implemented to optimize payment.


This book helps nurse managers and nurse case managers define their roles in the managed care system. It defines managed care and explains how managed care companies work, and offers information on the impact of managed care on various nursing specialties. Strategies for providing quality care and analyzing cost information are given, and practical tips are presented on utilization management, outcomes management, disease state management, and worker's compensation and disability. Real success stories of nurses working in managed care illustrate principles discussed. Cesta is director of case management at Saint Vincent Catholic Medical Centers of New York. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR


3 Stars from Doody

Look this: Globalization and the Postcolonial World or Concepts In Federal Taxation 2007 Edition

Training and Development in Organizations

Author: Irwin L L Goldstein

Sponsored by the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, a Division of the American Psychological Association This book brings together research findings from I/O psychology and related disciplines to identify new approaches and strategies for making training more effective. They also provide models for measuring the benefits of training in terms of increased output, payroll savings, and more. You'll discover how better to evaluate training needs, how to design better training methods, and how to structure questionnaires to get the information you want. Includes instructional techniques based on cognitive and behavioral theory and covers such diverse factors as work-group settings, informal training by peers, and the socialization process of the newcomer.

Table of Contents:
Foreword by Raymond A. KatzellPrefaceThe Authors
1. Critical Training Issues: Past, Present, and Future
Part One: Training Systems Issues
2. Assessing Training Needs: Critical Levels of Analysis
3. Using Utility Analysis to Assess Training Outcomes
4. Evaluating Change Due to Training
Part Two: Learning and Cognitive Issues
5. Training the Information Processor: A Review of Cognitive Models
6. Individual Attributes and Training Performance
7. Behavior Approaches to the Training and Learning Process
Part Three: Social Systems Issues in Training Research
8. Aging and the Training and Learning Process
9. Retraining Midcareer Workers for the Future Workplace
10. Socialization, Resocialization, and Training: Reframing the Research AgAnda
11. Training the International Assignee
Part Four: Commentaries on the Training Issues
12. A Historical Perspective on Training
13. The AgAnda for Theory and Research
14. Contributions to the Practice of Training
Name IndexSubject Index

Monday, February 2, 2009

Microeconomic Theory and Applications 8th Edition or Supply Chains and Total Product Systems

Microeconomic Theory and Applications, 8th Edition

Author: Edgar K Browning

What makes a Microeconomics text work?

What makes this a book that works? Outstanding quality…precise technical coverage…student-motivating writing style…engaging applications…

Browning and Zupan's Microeconomics offers the liveliest writing, the right sequence of topics, and exceptionally well developed graphs with unusually thorough explanations….all at the right level for people learning microeconomics. This edition contains over 400 review questions and problems for ample practice review material and analytical exercises.

But what really gets readers thinking and doing microeconomics are the engaging applications in the Eighth Edition! Here are some of the new ones:
The Cross of Growing Gridlock
Price Ceilings Can Be Deadly for Buyers
BK Versus KFC in the UK in the Wake of BSE
The Decline of Public Transit as a Means of Getting to Work
Sales Tax Avoidance and Online Commerce
Income and Substitution Effects and Home Ownership
Network Effects and the Diffusion of Communications Technologies and Computer Hardware and Software
School Choice is Nothing New
The Law of Diminishing Marginal Returns, Caffeine Intake and Exam Performance
The Management Function and Decreasing Returns to Scale: "The Plan"
The Effect of 9-11-01 on U.S. Production Costs
Learning by Doing and the Model T
The Importance of Thinking at the Relevant Margin
The Method of Mothballing
Languish and Anguish at LaGuardia
Protecting Steel Jobs Steals Jobs
Why Sugar Import Quotas Were Job Losers with Respect to LifeSavers
Cooperative Lawyers: An Oxymoron
The Internet and the Price of Life Insurance
Non-Free CaliforniaFreeways
"'O Give Me Some Property Rights…"

Table of Contents:
Chapter 1. An Introduction to Microeconomics
Chapter 2. Supply and Demand
Chapter 3. The Theory of Consumer Choice
Chapter 4. Individual and Market Demand
Chapter 5. Using Consumer Choice Theory
Chapter 6. Exchange, Efficiency, and Prices
Chapter 7. Production
Chapter 8. The Cost of Production
Chapter 9. Profit Maximation in Perfectly Competitive Markets
Chapter 10. Using the Competitive Model
Chapter 11. Monopoly
Chapter 12. Product Pricing with Monopoly Power
Chapter 13. Monopolistic Competition and Oligopoly
Chapter 14. Game Theory and the Economics of Information
Chapter 15. Using Noncompetitive Market Models
Chapter 16. Employment and Pricing of Inputs
Chapter 17. Wages, Rent, Interest, and Profit
Chapter 18. Using Input Market Analysis
Chapter 19. General Equilibrium Analysis and Economic Efficiency
Chapter 20. Public Goods and Externalities
Mathematical Appendix
Answers to Selected Problems

See also: Perl for System Administration or Microsoft SQL Server 2005

Supply Chains and Total Product Systems: A Reader

Author: Ed Rhodes

This wide-ranging reader locates supply chain management, lean production and related practice within the holistic concept of total product systems.

  • Demonstrates the strategic relevance of managing supply chains and supply networks to organizational performance and to a range of business functions, including finance, design, production, environmental management, information systems, and marketing.
  • Considers sustainable supply chain management across the service, manufacturing and process sectors.
  • Reflects the radical changes in organizational beliefs, practices and processes that are necessary for a shift to supply chain management in contemporary, global, competitive conditions.
  • Considers particular issues and challenges for micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises.
  • Contains readings that are interdisciplinary and international in focus.

  • Sunday, February 1, 2009

    Operations Management or Competitiveness and Cohesion in EU Policies

    Operations Management

    Author: Terry Hill

    Operations Management presents Terry Hill's vision of how operations can deliver real competitive advantage for organizations. It provides detailed consideration of service delivery system design, with a dedicated chapter on the subject; introduces the importance of people management from the beginning; provides expanded discussion of operations strategy and market linkage, enterprise resource planning, and supply chain issues including e-procurement; demonstrates operations in the "real world" with over 100 mini-cases, plus detailed long case studies at the end of the book to encourage critical analysis; and offers a range of companion materials for lecturers and students.

    Table of Contents:
    1Managing operations
    2Operations strategy
    3Managing people
    4Designing and developing services and products
    5Designing service delivery systems
    6Designing manufacturing processes
    7Location and layout
    8Managing capacity
    9Technology developments
    10Operations scheduling and execution
    11Managing quality
    12Managing inventory
    13Managing the supply chain
    14Process and delivery system reliability and maintenance
    15Time and productivity
    16Improving operations

    Book review: Codin for the Web or Cisco Voice Gateways and Gatekeepers

    Competitiveness and Cohesion in EU Policies

    Author: Ronald Hall

    "This is the first comprehensive and thorough assessment of the cohesion impact of EU policies. It will be invaluable for policy advisers, academics, and advanced students."--BOOK JACKET.